Using Outlook Express, you can export them from Hotmail for use in your favorite email program, too. If you do not have a Hotmail Plus subscription, which is required for this export process, you can export your Windows Live Hotmail contacts to a CSV file, from which in turn most email programs and services should be able to import your address book.
Import Contacts and Email Addresses from Hotmail into Outlook Express:
To import contacts and email addresses from Hotmail into your Outlook Express address book: - Set up access to your Hotmail account in Outlook Express.
- If you already have contacts in your Outlook Express address book for the current identity and want to make sure you are only importing Hotmail contacts, create a new Outlook Express identity for the Hotmail account.
- Select Tools | Address Book... from the menu in Outlook Express.
- Choose Tools | Synchronize Now from the address book's menu.
- If this choice is not available, make sure you do not share contacts between Outlook Express and Outlook. Close and restart Outlook Express if you have made any changes to the contact sharing settings.
- To import the contacts to an email program other than Outlook Express, export the current identity's address book and use your email client's import feature to add the contacts from the .csv file.
To save your Windows Live Hotmail address book to a CSV file:
* Select Options | More options... (or just Options in the Windows Live Hotmail toolbar.
* Follow the Export contacts link under Customize your contacts.
* Click Export contacts.
You can now import contacts from the "WLMContacts.csv" file into the target application or service.
Another approach is to use MSN Instant Messenger as your contact management tool. Messenger contacts appear in the Hotmail address book for the same account (though not all Hotmail contacts will appear in Messenger - only those whom you've added to your Messenger contacts). Messenger includes both import and export functions for the contact list. Just log in to Messenger using one account, hit the Contacts menu, Save Contact List and save to a file. Then login to Messenger with a different account, hit Contacts, Import Contacts from a Saved File, load up the file, and you're done.
" Both approaches have drawbacks, but with a little patience the task can be accomplished. And, as with most things, there are probably other approaches as well."